Sunday, May 25, 2008


It may be a sign of immaturity or selfishness, but for last few years I have experienced the beauty of big dreams and loss of the same when they are accomplished. The fact that the dream is not yet accomplished places a high value, a high "price" on the deal...and when it's fulfilled, that value gets lost. And I brace myself for a newer, may be more challenging dream-chase. Sometimes I feel, what a materialistic view this has been! Consciously I yearn for the dream persistently until it is achieved, and yet it becomes suddenly worthless when achieved.

On the other side though, I feel this has been a prolific sign,which is in coherence with the lessons from Gita. "You keep on doing work and don't expect the fruits of your work". Keep setting aims, keep achieving them, then pause for a while, absorb the success and get ready for even higher aim. But for how long, my dear friend! For how long I am gonna run after my dreams...and get exhausted! I don't want my life to be happening around, when I am
doing all the running!

So there is a fine line between being a "Karmyogi" and being a "relentless dream-chaser". And I have a feeling,that I have crossed the line and have been wandering into the materialistic territory for long. But the time has come to reflect on it now. Another chink in the armour...Dream on and then Move on...or the other way round!

1 comment:

m said...

Beautifully written! Keep it up!